Frequently Asked Questions

What cameras and lenses does Starship Gazer use?
Canon R5 professional camera with 3 RF lenses and 2 telephoto extenders, Nikon P1000 Super Zoom camera and Samsung S23 Ultra cell phone. ~ $15,000 worth of planet Earth’s finest professional camera gear.
How do I view Starship Gazer’s Starbase Photos and Videos and Live Streams?
Subscribe for free to the Starship Gazer YouTube channel for Professional Video footage from Starbase Texas and Join with a Patreon monthly membership to download Huge sets of full professional resolution Starbase photos. I also post tons of professional photos on Twitter and in my Discord server chat.
Do you edit your photos or use camera lens filters?
Very rarely. I want my photos to match reality as close as possible. Most photographers at Starbase make heavy use of photo editing/manipulating/a.i. software and camera lens filters to change the look of their photos. Starship Gazer does not.
Do you agree with “Fair Use” of Starship Gazer content in YouTube videos and elsewhere?
Absolutely Not. It costs me a tremendous amount of money, time and effort to create my photos, videos and live streams. My content should Not be allowed to be used at no cost to help YouTube video makers or anyone else sit at home, edit into their videos and make money from my extremely expensive content.
How can I contact Starship Gazer?
Send me an email directly, send me a direct message on Twitter, message me on the Starship Gazer Discord Server or meet me in person at Starbase.
Does Starship Gazer have a Discord server?
Yes! With an awesome community of fellow Starship Gazers. You can gain access to my private Starship Gazer Discord server and amazing community there by joining with a YouTube or Patreon monthly membership for as little as $2 month.
When was your first day at Starbase?
March 12, 2021
How long do you plan to photograph and film at Starbase, TX?
From 3/12/21 and for another 3 decades into the future. I hope to live long enough to see the construction of the first self-sustaining Martian city and I will be at Starbase Texas covering it the whole way. 665 unique total days spent at Starbase as of 11/20/24
Are you officially credentialed media by the SpaceX media department?
Yes I am. I attended the most recent Starship presentation by Elon Musk at Starbase and also attended the first Starship integrated test flight 1 as an official SpaceX credentialed media member.
Did you attend college?
Yes, I have completed 3 years of college with high honors and earned an associate’s of science degree in Pre-Engineering. I was attending college to study Chemical Engineering but that was severely disrupted by a car crash in late 2004. A negligent UPS truck driver was at fault and killed my 18 year old sister. I used every penny of my $38,500 military GI Bill college benefits plus another $29,000 in student loans.
Are you a military veteran?
Yes I am. I completed an 8 year contract in the United States Marine Corps from 9/98 to 9/06. 4 years active duty and 4 years inactive ready reserves while in college. I was an Embarkation Logistics and Combat Service Support Specialist for an aviation combat squadron and held a Secret security clearance. I received an honorable discharge and I’m a VFW member. Oorah! Semper Fi
How can I help financially support the Starship Gazer team?
Please read my detailed web page discussing my operating expenses and all of the ways to help. Thanks so much!
What is something that you are most concerned about?
Humans are on the verge of creating super dangerous and powerful Artificial General Intelligence. Other advanced intelligent alien civilizations might be closely monitoring human progress with A.I. and intervene or destroy us before it gets too powerful and out of control. A powerful enough A.I. would potentially be an existential threat to any other alien civilizations in the galaxy and universe and they would have to take preemptive action against Earth and humans to prevent it. So Earth might really be on the verge of an actual alien invasion to stop A.I. It might sound like science fiction or a joke, but it is absolutely a very real and very concerning possibility.
Are you going to write a book about your time, experiences and interactions at Starbase, Texas?
Absolutely. I have a Whole lot to write about. ;)
Are there public restrooms or restaurants or public facilities of any kind at Starbase?
No, there are no public facilities of any kind available.
Where is the best place to view Starbase launches from?
Isla Blanca Park on South Padre Island is exactly 5 miles from the launch pad and is the best public viewing location.
Are you Single and ready to mingle Ryan?!?
Yes! Yes I am! ;)